Karen Kane



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Hello, I am a

Coach for Kids

I empower kids who struggle with low self-esteem, anxiety and lack of confidence to choose a new mindset, one that makes them feel more in control of their lives, their choices, and their emotions. I show them how to navigate life's challenges by providing them with the tools for success so they can become the leaders of their own life.

It breaks my heart to see kids needlessly struggle with anxiety, fear, and self-loathing, kids who are missing out on life and the expression of their full potential, feeling worried, sad and desperate. 

Nothing makes me happier than to see my clients transform... to happy, confident, balanced kids who lead a life of adventure feeling empowered, at peace, tuning into their own inner wisdom, and truly becoming their own best friend.


Let me tell you a story...

Hello! Allow me to introduce myself...my name is Karen Kane and let me just say, I can relate to all the other parents out there who wonder if there is more they can do to help their children thrive in this crazy, mixed up world. 

Ever heard your child say, “I hate myself!” or “I am so stupid!”?

Or spent hours at your child’s bedside trying to soothe them back to sleep because they are worried about something?

Or had to pick up the pieces for them when they experienced a major failure? Well, I’ve been there too. 

I have two kids, both entering the teen years. And, I admit, I have those moments where I feel like I’m running around like one of my chickens getting chased by the dog and could lose it at any moment! But, over the last few years, I’ve refined my ability to shift my thoughts from worry, stress and overwhelm, to calm, focus and flow. 

How did I do this exactly? Well, it’s been a process, but it all started with learning to calm myself, then changing my MINDSET and understanding that I am more powerful than my thoughts

You see, I began this journey into personal growth many years ago, while I was raising toddlers and working full-time as an environmental consultant, and it powerfully transformed the way I viewed myself, my actions, and how I wanted to experience my life. 

One day, the lightbulb went off... “What if kids could learn these concepts?" Wow! They could skip the confusion, anxiety, stress and overwhelm that we all experience growing up. I thought, "How come kids aren't learning these skills?” So, I spent the next few years figuring out just how to do this...

I became an empowerment and mindset coach and am currently the only Adventures in Wisdom(TM) certified coach for kids in the Seattle area. My practice is unique because I am able to combine coaching with brain balance activities, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, breathwork and energy work.

I teach kids how to be the best version of themselves possible, using a variety of modalities. I have a unique set of skills and have extensive training and certifications in: 

  • Hypnotherapy (WA State Dept. of Health Registered Hypnotherapist - Registration#: HP 6084645)
  • Kids Yoga and Meditation
  • Reiki & Energy Balancing
  • Brain Gym(TM) and Brain Dance(TM)
  • Mindfulness -Based Cognitive Therapy 
  • WISDOM Coaching certification with Adventures in Wisdom(TM)
  • Masters in Teaching, Certificated ElementaryTeacher

I was a pioneer in the kids yoga movement and have been teaching kids yoga and meditation for over 20 years (since 2002). I have worked in a variety of educational settings, for non-profits teaching environmental education, and in the public school system, but... 

My passion is seeing kids step away from a place of fear, insecurity and suffering onto a path of Enlightened Empowerment. 

And I can guide them there. 


My offerings to you...

Private Sessions

I offer private sessions individualized to meet your child's specific needs

Group Classes

A variety of group coaching workshops, community yoga or hoop dance classes are offered

Empower UP! Camp

This camp is offered during the summer for girls ages 7-12

A few of my favorite things...

Just a little more about me and how I spend my free time

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